flash out

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flash out

更新时间:2025-03-10 23:28:16

英 [flæʃ aut]

美 [flæʃ aʊt]

flash out基本解释

突然说; 突然表现出来


  • 网络解释


1. 突然说,突然表现出来:flare up 突然烧起来;突然发怒 | flash out 突然说,突然表现出来 | fly into a temper 大发脾气,勃然大怒

2. 辐射;照射:fishing enthusiast 钓鱼爱好者 | flash out 辐射;照射 | flies in amber 珍奇遗物

3. 勃然发怒:flash on 立刻心领神会 [美俚](服迷幻药后)感觉飘飘然 | flash out 勃然发怒 | flash up 勃然发怒

4. flash out

4. 忽然说,忽然表现出来:flare up 忽然烧起来;忽然发怒 | flash out 忽然说,忽然表现出来 | fly into a temper 大发脾气,勃然大怒

  • 临近词
With a flash, the kerosene lamp went out.(煤油灯闪了闪就灭了。)
The clouds roll around the Sierra behind us and then out to sea, and, sitting on the beach, the gigantic strikes flash around us like a giant strobe.(乌云从我们身后的塞拉利昂卷来,然后朝海上方向滚去。坐在沙滩上,我们身边打起巨大的闪电,像打开了天上的大闸门。)
With a shriek, two dozen bansheerays flash down out of the sky, Na'vi on their backs.(随着一阵尖叫,更多的斑溪从空中闪降,它们的背上是纳威人。)
It turns out that transistors in these flash-memory devices are prone to being gummed up with electrostatic charge that they cannot dissipate.(结果发现,这些快速记忆装置中的晶体管一旦被冲入了它们无法驱散的静电电荷,它们就会出毛病。)
I had an irrational flash of hating those people in the back of wanting to lash out but all that really mattered was keeping my body between Fan Ping and the railing in case he made another lunge.(我有一股冲动想揍后面的这些人,狠狠的教训他们,但是现在最要紧的是用我的身体挡住范平,以防他再次向前冲过栏杆。)
Be sure to use flash for action shots or they're likely to come out blurry, even in the best light.(记得用上闪光灯,即使在最好光线下,动作下的镜头都可能模糊。)
The flash will brighten up people's faces and make them stand out.(闪光可照亮人物的脸部,使其影相突出。)
One night, the dog barked fiercely and waked Mei and Hong. Hong came out and saw a figure flash away.(几天后的一天晚上,突然传来狗叫声,把梅婧和洪小玲都吓醒了,洪小玲出门一看,见一个黑影一闪不见了。)
Ben and I were out of there in a flash, running back down the path (turns out we weren't so lost), straight back in to City Park, and all the way home.(我和本马上冲出去,沿着小路一直往前跑回城市公园(原来我们其实没怎么迷路),一路狂奔回家。)
The new author's first book got a lot of praise from critics, but he turned out to be a flash in the pan because his other books were terrible.(这位作家的第一本书一鸣惊人,可这只是昙花一现,因为他后来写的几本书都很差。)
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